Archives for June 2014

Is A Simpler Mortgage Application Good Or Bad, If The House Isn’t Inspected?

A Simple Way to Help Financial Aid Do Its Job – is by Susan Dynarski (whose previous article I have commented on) and Judith Scott-Clayton of Columtia Teachers College – a school I have had some problems with before.  I think it is important that I point that out, though I know nothing about […]

More On “More on Starbucks – And Arizona State – And Alarms”

An online conversation has been going on on my comment referenced in my previous post .  I will copy and past it here. Eric from NJ replied to my first comment.  (see the post ) Engineers have to have a lot of courses in math – calculus up to and beyond differential equations as well as […]

More on Starbucks – And Arizona State – And Alarms

I think it is good that the agreement between Starbucks and ASU is getting attention, but Op-Ed’s like this one worry me considerably.  I worry that there will be too many opinions written by people that don’t  have a deep knowledge about higher education.  I don’t know that this is true in this case, but it sounds like it. […]

Starbucks to Subsidize Workers’ Online Degrees – WSJ

My gut feel is that this will be good.  The only problem I have is that I don’t know much about Arizona State University’s programs, and whether they offer a good education. Starbucks to Subsidize Workers’ Online Degrees – WSJ. I commented. “I know little about ASU’s program, but, I do know that universities in […]

Obama Advisor Also on Wrong Track – Worry About Student Education, Not Student Loans

I wanted to comment further on the article in the previous post. “We are loaning too much money, that, in far too many cases, just goes to fill college coffers. In the meantime, the poor, uneducated “consumer” (once quaintly know as a “student”), gets to be fooled into thinking that she is getting an education. […]

A Bad Assumption By an Obama Admin. Advisor

SUSAN DYNARSKI is a professor of economics, education and public policy at the University of Michigan. She has advised the Obama administration on the findings of her student-aid policy research.  She wrote this piece in the New York Times. Finding Shock Absorbers for Student Debt – My comment on what she missed, without which, all […]

Why Isn’t the Government Collecting Debt From Colleges That Default on Education, Too?

Here is an article from today’s WSJ Student Debt Takes a Bite Out of More Paychecks – WSJ. Here are my thoughts. “For many colleges, students are just a funnel for funds. Nowadays, colleges ask, “What can students do for my school?”, not “What can I do for my students?”. It should be no surprise […]

“Cal court rules teacher tenure creates impermissible unequal conditions” What about “teacher uneducation”?

California court rules teacher tenure creates impermissible unequal conditions – The Washington Post. Also, several papers and magazines published opinion pieces.  I basically repeated this comment.  I want as many people as possible to understand how much of the problem is how the teachers are taught – or not taught. Here are links to those articles. […]

Great N Y Times Piece by David Leonhardt

This is really good and raises the right question.  I explain what I mean by that in my comment posted below. A Case Study in Lifting College Attendance – “Thank you, Mr. Leohardt! By putting a face on a big problem in education; and then, pointing out that less affluent students have a rougher […]