Archives for February 2015

Teacher recruitment: High-fliers in the classroom | The Economist

Teacher recruitment: High-fliers in the classroom | The Economist.   My comment: I’m a former math professor and have seen how the corrupted American system of higher education has caused so much of high school education to be a sham. That’s right, higher ed dumbs down lower ed. Here is one important way. For decades, […]

“Task Force Wants Simplified Oversight of U.S. Colleges” Of Course, It Does.

Task Force Wants Simplified Oversight of U.S. Colleges, Universities – WSJ. I think if you read my comment about the composition of the task force, you won’t need to read the article. “…The group, made up of 16 college presidents and higher education experts…” Fourteen of these “…higher education experts…” [For my readers I have […]

Higher Education, Liberal Arts and Shakespeare –

Higher Education, Liberal Arts and Shakespeare – My comment: First, liberal arts is not a luxury. Try this for starters. When you try to move up the corporate ladder, you are not going to get many chances to ask higher ups what they “meant by that”; and you better hope you can write good […]

Excellent Essay on College Truth – Should Be Required Reading

This essay by Kevin Carey is excellent. How to Raise a University’s Profile: Pricing and Packaging – I commented, but just to add to the information in the essay. Thank you, Mr. Carey. This essay should be required reading for everyone – at least everyone who cares about our economy, our society, and the […]

How Much Research Really Costs? Look at That New Building (Or Whatever) To See

Most people are not aware that research universities negotiate an “overhead rate” with the government.  The simplest way to understand that is this example. Professor X gets a $1,000,000 grant.  The grant pays her salary and benefits, and the salary for others.  Her summer salary (which she would normally not get) would be paid, even […]

US News On Retention – Say What?

From page 70 of the 2015 “rankings”: “…The higher the proportion of freshmen who return…and eventually graduate, the better a school most likely is at offering the classes and services that students need to succeed…” Oh, if it were true.  Do the people at US News know that another way of helping people “succeed” [in just […]

New Federal Teacher Preparation Rules Need to Focus on Content Preparation

(For other posts on this topic see the category for “Fed Teacher…” on the right.) The public comment period is now over.  I submitted the following suggestion.   (This is the link to all public comments.)   My recommendation addresses the heart of the problem in teacher preparation – especially for high school teachers: Future teachers […]

New Federal College Ratings

A link to the website that describes the rules and for making comments on them can be found on my new  page, where you can find the comments I submitted.