Atlantic Monthly Article on Faculty Concerns About High Graduation Rates

Here is the link, followed by my comment.

(The article is good – and shocking – especially the part about some state schools getting rid of history courses.  State schools?  Is this becoming a vicious circle?  Uneducated politicians (probably with degrees, though) deciding not to educate?  Whatever happened to Jefferson and his silly ideas about democracy needing educated citizens?  I don’t think he was just talking about learning C++.)

“Much of this article is good and, from my experience as a math professor, I agree with those parts.
“Dumbing down”?  Did I hear that right? “dumbing down”? As if higher education has not already been dumbed down?  Here is just one example of the obvious evidence.  A high shcool student recently asked me if college calculus really was a lot easier than AP calculus. That is what his friends at the U. of Missouri told him.  I said, “probably so”.  Then I pointed out to him that AP calculus had already been dumbed down.  (See my posts in the category “AP Courses” on my blog

If they do “dumb down” FURTHER, we can stop worrying about college degrees not being better than high school degrees.  Much of higher education, like a tectonic plate, will have subducted below high school education, causing an even larger rift between the well -educated (and well-payed) and the only-degreed (and poorly paid).

Just one more thing.  Did I read “…subtle pressure to pass student…”?  Subtle?  Just read my first hand account “A Tale Out of School” on my blog.  Subtle, indeed.”