I tell him what I think Clark Kerr’s explanation would be for why there are fewer public intellectuals. I also, comment on my own situation in trying to address important public issues. Here is a link to his blogpost, which, in turn contains a link to his Sunday column. I commented on his blog. “I […]
“Making College Pay” by “Making College equal Education”
“Doesn’t a more educated society create a stronger economy? Doesn’t the internet create jobs? Doesn’t a society who can understand and support economically valuable public policy create jobs and a better society? A college “education” does create jobs and a better society. A college degree without an attached education -which is what we have far […]
On New York Times Editorial “Making College Pay”
I’m glad to see that the Times Editorial Board finally has some questions about college. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/13/opinion/making-college-pay.html?hp&rref=opinion I think they are still missing the main point and conflating college degree with college education. I also think that their statistics paint too rosy a picture. It is important to dig into the data to see which college grads […]
Columbia University Report Says “Academically Adrift” is Wrong. Right? No, Wrong.
You can read about the report from Columbia’s “College Educational Quality Project” here: http://chronicle.com/article/A-New-Kind-of-Study-Seeks-to/144621/#disqus_thread The report says it examined “educational rigor” and “teaching quality” to reach its conclusion, which you can read about in my comment below. I commented with what I thought about their conclusion: “The “College Educational Quality (CEQ) Project at Teachers College, […]
To the New York Times Editors: Please Pay Attention
A plea from me to the NY Times editors on http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/06/opinion/a-solution-for-bad-teaching.html?ref=opinion (Actually, given that the Times’ Tamar Lewin does a good job of reporting on higher ed, I’m surprised that the Times’s “doesn’t get it”.) “This Op-Ed helps to demonstrate just how out of touch with the realities of higher education this paper’s editors are. I say […]
Time’s Op-Ed Relies on Flawed “Landmark Study”(?), and “Comprehensive Analysis”?
Here is the linke to “A Solution for Bad Teaching” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/06/opinion/a-solution-for-bad-teaching.html?ref=opinion Here is what I have already written about the study now being called “landmark”: Northwestern President Publishes Study About Northwestern And the National Bureau of Economic Research Publishes It? and Is The Atlantic Right to Report on a Report the Way it Did? Here […]
Statisticallyl Interesting Report
In my previous post “Highly Educated” (From The Atlantic)? I Say Maybe “Highly Degreed” I referenced Jordan Weissmann’s Atlantic article http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/01/highly-educated-highly-indebted-the-lives-of-todays-27-year-olds-in-charts/283263/#comments I think his statistics are wrong but very interesting and I expressed this in my comment. “If 84% of all of today’s 27 year olds have some college, then the number of 27 year olds with […]
“Highly Educated” (From The Atlantic)? I Say Maybe “Highly Degreed”
Actually, Jordan Weissmann has posted interesting news about a study by the Dept.. of Ed., but I must take him to task about his interpretation .http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/01/highly-educated-highly-indebted-the-lives-of-todays-27-year-olds-in-charts/283263/#comments “I am former college professor, who has spent almost a lifetime observing how much of higher education is essentially a scam on students and their parents. I feel compelled […]
More on Columbia University’s Report on Educational Quality
My view of Columbia’s teacher college went down even further as I read their report on teachinng quality and course rigor. I added this comment to the Chronicle of Higher Education. It points out some serious flaws – so serious that I’m a little shocked. “I want to add two more observations to what has […]