The New York Tims and the Wall Street Journal both reported the results of the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). ( I commented on and I wll follow up with a post that contains another personal story. Here is my comment. “I am a former math professor who taught at an […]
Gina Kolata’s New York Times Article Gives Helpful Insight for Flawed Cholesterol Calculator
Gina Kolata wrote again today about the cholesterol calculator that exaggerates “…the true risk of a heart attack or stroke by an average of 100 percent…” This article gives more insight into the statistical/mathematical problems: “…Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, a medical professor at Dartmouth [says] the calculator, like many others used in medicine, is […]
The Economist Cover Story “How Science Goes Wrong” and NY Times “Risk Calculator for Cholesterol Appears Flawed”; Connected?
Both of these stories focus on what could be a failure of professionals to understand and utilize quantitative data and methods. In the case of the cholesterol test, I have no way of knowing exactly how the failure occured. But I am worried that it is symptomatic of our problems in higher education. I posted […]
The Chonicle of Higher Education Headlines: The STEM Crisis: Reality or Myth? But…
More on The Atlantic’s Article on Teaching Math
(The article is here ) There were some interesting replies to my comment on the article. I am posting my response to this one because it might be informative for some readers of this blog. It states my view, and probably the view of many others, of two of the problems facing professors now. The […]
Excellent Explanation of How to Teach Math in The Atlantic – But…
…as I commented on the site, where do we get the teachers? (The article, which I recommend is at “I am a former math professor. I totally agree with the author about how math can best be learned. There is a gigantic hurdle: where do we get the people (teachers) who themselves were taught […]
Compare “Feeder Schools”: Another Addendum to the Previous Post
Just posted a reply to Mel Murphy, who wrote, “Read your article. Having kids in the college selection mode, and having received mailings and invitations from WUSTL as well as other “prestigious” institutions, I am most appreciative and find it eye-opening. Caveat emptor, indeed” I think the following is useful advice for anyone looking at schools. “Maybe, […]
Addendum to “Peter Cappeli” Post – Another Testimony About Higher Ed
Dan Laroque put this comment on the WSJ “… In the latter years of my teaching career, it got very frustrated dealing with students and administration. The universities have literally turned the curriculum standards over to the students. It is all about garnering as many students in a major as possible with no rules on rigor. It is ‘take […]
Jeffrey J. Williams on “The Great Stratification”
Professor Williams has helped shine a light on some of the inequites within the professoriate itself. (See ) I think these inequities are important to know and understand. The fact that there is so much stratification within higher education is revealing. It makes clearer who faculty are, in spite of who they may seem to be, who they […]