“How Colleges Are Selling Out the Poor to Court the Rich” by Jordan Weissmann in The Atlantic

The study Jordan referrs to is interesting.  It can be found at http://newamerica.net/sites/newamerica.net/files/policydocs/Merit_Aid%20Final.pdf The link to Jordan’s article is http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/05/how-colleges-are-selling-out-the-poor-to-court-the-rich/275725/ Here is a copy of my comment, a response to it, and my reply: (If you are a regular reader of this blog, there is not much new here, but the study (referred to above) […]

St. Louis focuses on more college degrees.

I commented on the air on this local NPR show.  Here is the link to the show http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/st-louis-regional-chamber-initiative-hopes-translate-degrees-dollars I didn’t comment until about 10 minutes before the end.  I found the first guest’s comment after I finished interesting since he is working to generate more college degrees.  He said he had never really thought about […]


Quite an impressive performance on the Putnam Exam!  What I think is most impressive is the overall performance on the exam, with so many students  doing so well.  Though not easy, it is not as hard to field a team of 3 to win the team competition.  A relatively good school with one or two good […]

Economic Policy Institute Report on STEM jobs misses crucial point.

Another article by Jordan Weissmann of The Atlantic appeared. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/04/the-myth-of-americas-tech-talent-shortage/275319/ It talks about a widely disseminated report from the EPI.  Unfortunately, that report seems to equate DEGREE with EDUCATION.  Here is a copy of what I posted in response. “I don’t doubt that corporations focus on profits and that H1B visas can be a tool for them. […]

Comments added to Atlantic Article

Some additional discussion has been added to the Atlantic Article referred to on this post: Great post on The Atlantic Site about Law Schools

Comments on The Atlantic Site Containing References

The Atlantic Monthly wrote a piece which I believe misses important details, and, thus, issues, about student debt.  I wrote a comment.  I then replied to someone else.  If you read my blog, you probably won’t find my comment so new, but if you look at my reply, you will see references to some very good […]

A discussion of the value of MOOC’s (Online Courses)

There is an article in today’s NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/21/opinion/sunday/grading-the-mooc-university.html?ref=opinion#comments that discusses online courses.  This gave me an opportunity to comment on my experiences with both an MIT online course and what it demonstrated about how this particular material had not been taught well (in my opinion) in the past.  Here is the comment I posted. “It is […]

Addendum to Previous Post: Social Security Garnished for Some Scammed Graduate Students

Here is the link to that post: on Social Security Garnished for Some Scammed Graduate Students The Chronicle of Higher Education article (referenced in the post on Social Security Garnished for Some Scammed Graduate Students) mentions several people, one of whom is Joan Roberts.  I mention her in my post and she has a comment […]

Social Security Garnished for Some Scammed Graduate Students

At least, that is my take on the article in the Chronicle of Higher Education: http://chronicle.com/article/I-Fully-Expect-to-Die-With/138507/ It notes that student debt for those over 60 is over $38 Billion and for over 50 is $155 Billion!  Here is the short story as I see it.  Many students go to far too many undergraduate schools where far […]