Interesting Community College Salary Data from California

The California Community College system has a website that gives salary data for their graduates.  You can find the link by clicking on my Page, Salary Data.

Great Book, So Far

I just finished Part I (HOW WE GOT HERE) of the highly informative new book by Jeffrey J. Selingo.  The title is COLLEGE (UN)BOUND.  In just 50 pages, the author gives an excellent description and analysis of what went wrong.  The only quibble I have with his analysis is that he seems doesn’t seem to […]

A Thought Experiment on University Reputation

You are a student taking an important math course taught in large lecture sections by an adjunct (who dropped out of your elite school’s graduate program).  That frees up some of the professorial staff to work with a few brilliant math students that your college recruited for their Putnam team.  (The Putnam Math Competition is […]

On Metadata, Privacy and Opposition

Warning:  This is not about education and I may not actually know what I’m talking about.:) It surprises me that people who feel that they don’t have anything to hide trust the government to collect Internet data.  I claim that it could well be against their interest for the government to collect Internet data.  For a […]

Important Paper on the Value of a Good Teacher (from a MacArthur Award Winner)

Raj Chetty (MacArthur Award Winner, HS Valedictorian, Harvard Summa Cum Laude [in only 3 years], Harvard PhD in Economics [in only 3 years], now a Harvard Professor) and his colleagues, John N. Friedman (Harvard) and Jonah E. Rockoff published “The Long-Term Impacts of Teachers: Teacher Value-Added And Student Outcomes in Adulthood.”  I will be posting […]

Here is an informative comment I received on the post on Adolf Carlson

As only one of Dolf’s multitude of friends and admirers worldwide, I would like to provide just a bit of background information* about this author — an educator and scholar — who, throughout his brilliant and accomplished life, remained a humble and sincere friend to every person he came to know. “His education and scholarly […]

New Quote Added

From Harvard University’s President Derek Bok’s 1996 Report to the Board of Overseers, “The commercialization of universities is perhaps the most severe threat facing higher education…Universities appear less and less as charitable institutions seeking truth and serving students, and more and more as a huge commercial operation that differs from corporations only because there are no shareholders and […]

Are we going to replace Adolf Carlson?

I just read an excellent review of one of Tolstoy’s short stories. The reveiw was written by Adolf Carlson.  He was a West Point graduate – class of 1969.  He was an infantry officer and served in Vietnam.  There he was a Platoon Leader and Company Commander.  He had read Tostoy’s story in the original Russian […]

More on Apples and Oranges: Find Your School’s Common Data Set

Very useful information on universities can be found on school’s published “common data set”.  To find it, just Google the university’s name with the phrase “common data set”. I like to look at sections  C. FIRST-TIME, FIRST-YEAR (FRESHMAN) ADMISSION and D. TRANSFER ADMISSION. On D, I look at the number of transfer students they admit.  If […]