How Much Do Universities and Administrators Really Care About Education? New Article on Higher Ed

I believe that this article is the most enlightening addition that I can make to the debate on higher education.  I hope all of you have time to read it. Here is the link to the page with the article It is also on the top menu. Here is a direct link to the paper ATaleOutofSchool

Added New Page “Guide to Most Essential Posts…”

Here is the link: A Guide to the Most Essential Posts For Understanding Higher Ed It is also in the menu above.

Are Some US News Top Ranked Schools Not Really Preparing STEM Grads Well?

The National Science Foundation published a list of the top 50 schools for producing graduates that go on to a doctorate in Science or Engineering.  This should be a decent measure of how well they are educating their STEM undergrads.  (You can find the list with some additional info added here: Baccalaureate to Ph.D. in […]

Lake Wobegon, A Tough Nut to Crack. (A Personal Observation)

I talk to a lot of parents and students about education.  When I discuss either the things that I have seen, or, all the bad news that comes out about education, they agree that it is awful.  Then we start talking about their own experiences with the system – and we are off to Lake Wobegon.  […]

Dartmouth Also Has a 3-2 Program. How Does It Compare to Wash.U. and Columbia?.

Here are the differences that stand out to me. (1) Dartmouth has a list of 19 schools that it participates with.  Wash. U.’s list has 86 and Columbia’s has 102. (2) Unlike Wash. U. and Columbia, Dartmouth doesn’t seem to guarantee admission.  Wash. U. and Columbia appear to guarantee admission to students with a specified […]

Columbia University – Another 3-2 Program Like Wash. U.’s?

Maybe.  I won’t make this post long.  I will just give the links. Here is the link to the list of affiliate schools for Columbia: Here is the link to the program “guarenteed admissions” information: In a later post, I will explain why I think it matters and why I think these programs may be just money […]

Want to be an Engineering Major at an “Elite” School But Your ACT Composite is 25? Washington University in St. Louis Has a Special Program For You.

First, about the program. This is from Wash. U.’s website: “…Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) cooperates with a select [itlalics added for emphasis] group of affiliated colleges and universities to offer the opportunity to earn a liberal arts degree (from their current school) and an undergraduate engineering degree (from WUSTL). Participants are undergraduate students […]

How to Make Calculus Students Believe They Know Calculus When They Don’t

(Or any other subject for that matter)  Here is how to do it. Step One:  Teach at a selective (or, better yet, highly selective) school.  That way the students start off feeling they are specially gifted.  (They may be brilliant but calculus is hard for most people; that is, the real thing is hard.  “Hard” simply […]

College Loans – Who Benefits the Most? Best Bond Manager Ever Comments

About 40 million people owe over one trillion dollars in student loans.   Bill Gross, the most successful bond manager ever, and the founder of PIMCO (the largest bond management company in the world), gave this explanation: “…Universities are run for the benefit of the adult establishment, both politically and financially, not students. To radically change the […]