I posted this comment on his op-ed. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/01/24/why-red-blue-america-cant-hear-each-other-anymore/?arc404=true) A critical factor, one not missed by Thomas Jefferson, is left out of this analysis. All I have space to do here is quote Jefferson – and point out that of the 26 least educated states (See wallethub.com/edu/e/most-educated-states/31075/) all but Nevada and New Mexico went for Trump. […]
NY Times Op-Ed Misses Big Difference
My comment on the Op-Ed (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/20/opinion/impeachment-trump-nixon.html#commentsContainer ) is below. The authors left off the most important difference. Here is Thomas Jefferson on that difference. “…Preach…a crusade against ignorance…improve the law for educating the common people…the people alone can protect us against…evil…kings, priests and nobles…will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance…” […]
WSJ: College Board Selling Data
How Corrupt Higher Education Corrupts K-12 Education
The corruption of higher education has sent waves throughout all American education, and thus, all of American society. Here is how those waves have traveled and washed away much of what used to be the broad based educational foundations of our economy, our politics, and our society. ● These waves start with a poor undergraduate […]
Wash. Post Columnist Asks “Is a college degree the new high school diploma?”
Here is the link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2017/01/13/is-a-college-degree-the-new-high-school-diploma-heres-why-your-degrees-worth-is-stagnant/?utm_term=.de10fc02531b#comments I wrote, As a former math professor, I can assure the author that “a” college degree is not necessarily “just” a high school degree. That’s too optimistic. You have to start with college “courses”. Most are not your grandmother’s college course, maybe not even her her high school course. There are […]
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