How Are the Problems Going to Be Fixed When Sr. Policy Analysts Don’t Know.

Source: The Washington Monthly I hope this analyst reads my comment and looks into the real problems.  Here is what I wrote. The author doesn’t seem to recognize that the problem is not when you get a college degree. It’s that so few college degrees actually come with a college education. Whatever you may think […]

A Prudent College Path?

  The article is about new “honors” colleges in public schools, but I don’t take anything on its surface.  Here is my comment. Beware of wolves in “sheepskin” clothing, no matter how freshened up that clothing may seem. Here is why I worry in this case. First, there is the general performance of the schools […]

Been Surprisingly Busy With…

…personal matters (of a business nature) and it has taken much more of my time than I expected, so I have not been able to post for a while.  I will return to posting soon – hopefully by the end of the week.  Thanks.

Moved Quotes

I moved quotes from the Quotes page here and will delete the Quotes page.

In Honor of Pi Day

To be read aloud to a youngster. “Do you like  Pi(e)?” If the answer is “Yes”, teach them more about Pi. If the answer is “N0”, tell them you won’t offer them anymore pie.

Video of Dog Walking Grand Rapids Style!

I have been vacationing and friends thought I should post this old video I took a while back in Grand Rapids, MI.  It’s fun, short and an interesting idea.  So, here it is. Dog Walking – Grand Rapids Syle!