How One College Handled a Sexual Assault Complaint From the NY Times

This is my 2nd post on this article

How One College Handled a Sexual Assault Complaint –

I hope people will see this phenomenom for what it is.  Here is more of my view.

It took decades for colleges to get here. The school’s actions in this case is especially egregious, but this is really the most recent symptom of a diseased system of higher education.

I am a former professor. Though I never expected things to get this bad, i have seen universities evolving like any gravy train will, if it is given such a free ride for so long.

If, even churches can empower evil adminstrators and priests, how can anyone that universities won’t,, also? if they are the people who can make out like bandits for the institution, they will get the power.

In 1980 David Riesman and Clark Kerr wrote how they were seeing unscrupulous professors and adminstrators who taking advantage of naive students. Then, it was just fooling students about education. Now, it is fooling them about education (even moreso), and, of all things, protecting violent criminals by taking advantage of easily influenced young victims.

I guess it shoud be no surprise that people who don’t integrity when it comes to lying about education, simply don’t have integrity, period.

It’s kind of like my successful colleague (He has tenure and a chair at an “elite” school.) who rants about book publishers charging too much, and who says that fly fishing is unfair to the fish (if you don’t eat it) BUT, when told on two occasions about serious wrongdoings in his own department replied, “That’s above my paygrade.” I’m sure he would also be the first to explain the imortance of tenure.