Is College Sexual Assault a Fraternity Problem? Fundamentally, No.

Is College Sexual Assault a Fraternity Problem? –

I wrote:

“The problem is colleges, period. They do what their “customers” ask, whether it be in the realm of fun, football, faux-classes, faux-degrees, or whatever.

If they get complaints from “customers” that the school is no fun, they will get fun – even if that requires covering up a rape here and there.

If they get complaints about rape, they will set up kangaroo courts, even if it is unfair to both the victim and the accused. (See the Times’ articles about Harvard’s response, or look on my blog inside-higher-ed.)

If they get complaints that learning from a professor requires too much study, they will get a professor willing to only teach things that don’t require any real though – that is, the prof. will teach very little.

Basically, scoundrels and scam artists discovered a business with young, gullible and uneducated “customers” (once quaintly called “students”).

So, fix the whole system of higher education so that it is transparent and accountable, and the scoundrels will have to go elsewhere for self-aggrandizement.”