Just Interesting: Teachers Cheating, Students Cheating, Chic Smelling College Brands



Here are the articles I’m referring to:


http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304200804579163983479119364?KEYWORDS=perfume+college   A quote from this article:  “At LSU,… he says there is a benefit to having the school’s brand associated with a chic product.”

There is an earlier post  (http://www.inside-higher-ed.com/another-wsj-article-illustrating-university-focus-and-insight-of-great-thinkers/ )linking to another WSJ article that quotes a consultant saying,

“…Prospective freshmen and their families…increasingly view themselves as consumers of a branded product..”

Oh, and then there is  Texas A&M VP Cook Named “International Brand Master” By Educational Marketing Group