Law Schools Keep at It – But That is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Law Schools Face New Rules on Reporting Graduates’ Success – WSJ.

I commented.

The take away from this story – and from stories about college athletics – is not that Law Schools – or athletic departments – are corrupt.  Colleges are corrupt.


Very few people would buy a product from a corporation that has one, or two, major divisions that engage in deceptive practices.  They would understand that the corruption is very likely to be pervasive.  So it is with colleges.  No one should fool themselves into believing that the President of the school doesn’t know.

I know how things work because I’m a former professor.  Because I find the behavior so detrimental to our young people, their parents, our economy, and our society, I write a blog inside-higher-ed .  That is where you can read about how things really work.  In the meantime, for anyone considering college you have your work cut out for you in finding a legitimate one.

On a final note, the methods of GWU are described in Kevin Carey’s insightful new book “The End of College”.