They pay lavish fees to manage their wealth, while tuition keeps rising. Source: Stop Universities From Hoarding Money - The New York Times My take: (Also, click on the Tag Endowments for more on this topic.) Good suggestion, but by itself, it … [Continue reading]
Op-Ed in NY Times: “Stop Universities From Hoarding Money” My Take: Good suggestion, but by itself, it won’t change the fundamental problem.
Grad-School Loan Binge Fans Debt Worries (It’s Just Another Symptom of the Real Problem – Corrupted Values in Higher Ed)
Graduate students represent just 14% of students in higher education but account for about 40% of the $1.19 trillion in student debt. Many seek government-loan forgiveness. Source: Grad-School Loan Binge Fans Debt Worries - WSJ Here is my … [Continue reading]
Highly Selective Schools That Add Value (Only Counting Money Here, But It’s a Measurable Proxy For Education)
Brookings Institute compared median salaries of graduates with the expected median salaries of a like pool (for the same college) without having attended college. Here are the results I took away for highly selected colleges, given in expected … [Continue reading]
Standardized Tests (For Colleges, Through K-12 Students) Is the Answer
An ill-conceived boycott could damage educational reform and undermine the Common Core standards. Source: Opting Out of Standardized Tests Isn’t the Answer - The New York Times I'm a former math professor. The k-12 problem is obvious - and … [Continue reading]
What I Would Ask the Candidates About College
Young Americans buried by student loans want fresh thinking from presidential candidates on the crisis. Source: Democrats Offer Ways to Make College Affordable - The New York Times My questions: The fundamental problem in higher education … [Continue reading]
CORRECTION: Link to Article Referred to in the Post: A Prudent College Path
There’s a way to combine an intimate academic environment with a state school’s sweep and socioeconomic diversity. More students should consider it. Source: A Prudent College Path - The New York Times … [Continue reading]
William Deresiewicz’s Incisive Observation Taken to Its Logical Conclusion
How college sold its soul to the market Source: [Essay] | The Neoliberal Arts, by William Deresiewicz | Harper's Magazine I commented. To truly change higher education, the critical observation that college is neoliberal, needs to be followed … [Continue reading]