"...democracy cannot be justified merely as a system for translating the raw, uninformed will of a popular majority into public policy. It is foolish and historically false to suppose that enlightenment has nothing to do with democracy. It is foolish … [Continue reading]
Democracy and Education from Robert A. Dahl (“…leading theorist of political pluralism…” Ency. Brit.)
Covid-19 Vaccination Distribution
The link below gives a good explanation about why it is important that the positivity rate is low. First, here is my take. (Keep in mind that I'm not a statistician, though I used to play one when I taught a senior/graduate level course in it, but it … [Continue reading]
Excellent Explanation of the Near Future of the Pandemic
The beginning of this podcast (up to about 9 minutes in) is by far the clearest explanation of what we can expect in the near future for Covid-19 - and why we can expect it. … [Continue reading]
Cutting Off Nose Isn’t Partisan – It’s Stupid
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/08/opinion/trump-politics-psychology.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/08/opinion/trump-politics-psychology.html To cut off your nose to spite your face isn't partisan - unless you are so poorly educated that you … [Continue reading]
Trust in Universities – About the Same as the Police
This is according to a new poll. Here are the numbers: … [Continue reading]
Fed Chair Tells Congress to Blame the Education System
See https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/02/15/powell-labor-force/ where I gave an explanation. he problem with the educational system isn't easy to see - unless you are on the inside. Then it is clear. Our system of higher education has … [Continue reading]
David Brooks on Education
David Brooks is on to something https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/13/opinion/scandinavia-education.html, but we need to start with basics. I commented, Did you say we need to change how we "educate" everyone? I didn't know we did. And that's a … [Continue reading]
Which of These Schools Truly Educates Students? Which Fits David Riesman’s (1980) Observations?
The following is from the lead article in Washington University's 2012 School of Arts and Sciences (A & S) Magazine. The article is about “…How Arts and Sciences faculty encourage new science students to stay the course…”. "[Prof. X] brought … [Continue reading]
Piketty on “Diffusion of Knowledge”
Today's Financial Times has a review of Thomas Piketty's new book. I commented by pointing out that Piketty views knowledge and educational systems to be of tantamount importance, but I worry he doesn't see the problem. Here is my comment. I hope … [Continue reading]