Rip Van Skillsgap – “Please, Prof. Krugman, you are too important a voice not to pay attention to data that screams that there is a gigantic gap between what you think is an education, and what “customers” (once quaintly known as “students”) are actually getting – even in many so-called “elite” schools. There is […]
Rip Van Skillsgap? (Paul Krugman, Again)
Krugman on “No Skills Gap” Part II
There was a reply to my comment on Paul Krugman’s Op-Ed. (See Krugman Relying on Flawed Data on “Skills Gap”) It asked an excellent question. Here is the comment and my reply. Comment: “Then, of course, we would see employers preferring those who received a degree when it still was an education. But we don’t […]
Krugman Relying on Flawed Data on “Skills Gap”
In today’s New York Times, Prof. Krugman has a column arguing that there is no “skills gap”. I believe he is making a misake which I explained in a comment. “I am afraid that Prof. Krugman – whom I admire greatly – is making a fundamental mistake. He is, probably unknowingly, equating a “degree” […]
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