This is not the first Editorial from the New York Times on education. But it is the first that I have seen where The Editorial Board seems to be realizing that too many universities don’t see the “new college campus” as a place for education. I have posted here about most of the previous editorials. (I will […]
New York Times Editorial Board: “…the new college campus…does not seem geared to fulfill…the major mission of universities: educating students.”
A Comment on Nicholas Kristoff’s Op-Ed in the New York Times
I tell him what I think Clark Kerr’s explanation would be for why there are fewer public intellectuals. I also, comment on my own situation in trying to address important public issues. Here is a link to his blogpost, which, in turn contains a link to his Sunday column. I commented on his blog. “I […]
“Making College Pay” by “Making College equal Education”
“Doesn’t a more educated society create a stronger economy? Doesn’t the internet create jobs? Doesn’t a society who can understand and support economically valuable public policy create jobs and a better society? A college “education” does create jobs and a better society. A college degree without an attached education -which is what we have far […]
On New York Times Editorial “Making College Pay”
I’m glad to see that the Times Editorial Board finally has some questions about college. I think they are still missing the main point and conflating college degree with college education. I also think that their statistics paint too rosy a picture. It is important to dig into the data to see which college grads […]
To the New York Times Editors: Please Pay Attention
A plea from me to the NY Times editors on (Actually, given that the Times’ Tamar Lewin does a good job of reporting on higher ed, I’m surprised that the Times’s “doesn’t get it”.) “This Op-Ed helps to demonstrate just how out of touch with the realities of higher education this paper’s editors are. I say […]
Time’s Op-Ed Relies on Flawed “Landmark Study”(?), and “Comprehensive Analysis”?
Here is the linke to “A Solution for Bad Teaching” Here is what I have already written about the study now being called “landmark”: Northwestern President Publishes Study About Northwestern And the National Bureau of Economic Research Publishes It? and Is The Atlantic Right to Report on a Report the Way it Did? Here […]
On David Kirp’s New York Times Op-Ed, Do Advisors Help?
David Kirp has spent worked on higher education issues for a long time and can be outspoken. I was a little surprised at this op-ed Here is why. “Professor Kirp must realize that the programs that he advocates would be instituted in universities where “”the pursuit of money…has become a virtue” and where “Nowhere […]
Former Dep’t. of Education official “…thought we were doing God’s work…” when they were WHAT?
When they were strengthening collection of students loans through what the New York Times characterizes as “ruthless tactics”. (See today’s NY Times article Here was my response, “The former Department of Education official “…thought we were doing God’s work…” when they were strengthening collection of money from students, many of whom had paid that […]
New York Times Editorial Series on Education – They Don’t See the Elephant in the Classroom
(Go here to see the newest piece, ) I am concerned that even the Times doesn’t see the problem. Maybe they just have trouble believing how bad the integrity problem is. Anyway, I commented on their recommendations, and I made a general comment. Here they are. On the Times recommendation for more government support As a […]
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