New Federal College Ratings

A link to the website that describes the rules and for making comments on them can be found on my new  page, where you can find the comments I submitted.

College Rankings by Recruiters

The link is below.  If you have an idea of what you want to do, you should pay special attention to rankings by major. In my view, this is an excellent way to rank colleges.  For example, companies will indirectly know if a university has good humanities courses.  How?  That universities’ graduates will be able to understand […]

PISA Results (Program for International Assessment)

PISA products – OECD. (includes rankings of student performance by country/economy )

Good News: WSJ article notes that “Cash-Conscious Families Clamor for Numbers on How Much Students Learn”

The article is here. Here is my comment. “I am a former professor. Far too many universities cater to their naive and uneducated customers – once quiantly called “students”. They do this even when it means NOT educating them – just fooling them into believing they are getting the education they need. This new […]

Caroline Hoxby’s Economic Model – Does It Help Explain “A Tale Out Of School” And Other Behaviors?

Maybe it does.  Here is a link to a paper where Prof. Hoxby (Prof. of Econ. at Bekelely, formerly at Harvard and a MacArthur Fellow) describes two models of of institutions of higher education: The models are described in the first part of the paper.  Prof. Hoxby “…contrast[s] nonselective postsecondary education (NSPE) in which institutions sell fairly standardized […]

On David Kirp’s New York Times Op-Ed, Do Advisors Help?

David Kirp has spent worked on higher education issues for a long time and can be outspoken.  I was a little surprised at this op-ed  Here is why. “Professor Kirp must realize that the programs that he advocates would be instituted in universities where “”the pursuit of money…has become a virtue” and where “Nowhere […]

Op-Ed Piece in New York Times Disagrees with Obama’s Ratings Plan but….

Here is the link: I wrote my view of what we need. “Today’s colleges and univesities want to act like businesses.  They use powerful marketing techniques that many times trump education.  They are well aware that their consumers are young and susceptible to sales techniques, from boosting their egos (by not teaching anything really […]

Science and Engineering College Comparisons – Many Liberal Arts Schools Doing Great Job.

I have updated my page Baccalaureate to Ph.D. in Science and Engineering (Feeder Schools) to add a list of the top 50 colleges that produce students that go on to a Ph.D. in Science and Engineering.  To me, that is a strong indication that they are doing a good job of teaching Science and Engineering, whether […]

College Rankings – Added My Own Ranking Based On Quality Undergrad. Education

My personal college rankings have been placed on the page “college rankings”.  You can download the spreadsheet.