Universities Don’t Want Much Research Oversight (WSJ)

Here is a link to the excellent article. The Feds Want More Oversight of Scientific Research. Universities Are Fighting Back. – WSJ I wrote a post The Purloined Proof (inside-higher-ed.com about how some well-known professors stole someone’s work. I reference it my comment on the Journal’s articles. Here is my comment. I’m a former professor. […]

Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed, Study Says – The New York Times

Only 35 of 100 studies that the Reproducibility Project looked at held up fully to scrutiny. But some questioned the process of replication itself. Source: Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed, Study Says – The New York Times I guess I should have read beyond the headline and first page before publishing this […]

Scientists “Forced” to Cheat Says Medical School Professor

That statement is immediately after the bullets in this article. Amid a Sea of False Findings, the NIH Tries Reform – Research – The Chronicle of Higher Education. Poor scientists!  “Forced” to cheat to get all that money.  (Top medical school professors make from $500,000 to a few million.) Here are some posts on the […]

How Much Research Really Costs? Look at That New Building (Or Whatever) To See

Most people are not aware that research universities negotiate an “overhead rate” with the government.  The simplest way to understand that is this example. Professor X gets a $1,000,000 grant.  The grant pays her salary and benefits, and the salary for others.  Her summer salary (which she would normally not get) would be paid, even […]

Blatant plagiarism sinks paper (and earns a sabbatical!) for mathematician From “Retraction Watch”

Blatant plagiarism sinks paper (and earns a sabbatical!) for mathematician | Retraction Watch. This is timely since I’m in the process of writing about “paper rustling“. I will make one comment about the story from Retraction Watch. The case described there is petty only in the sense that it doesn’t make or break big careers.  […]