But they are having trouble sinceIn terms of basic math and science skills, “we’re really floundering here in the U.S.,” Mike Russo, Globalfoundries’ director of government relations, said in an interview. . Here is the article, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303672404579147282887082384 But Washington University in St. Louis says they have been working to fix this, as I wrote in […]
USA Today claims that “Data measure value of a college degree”
USA Today has an article http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/03/how-higher-education-pays/2755345/ that has some findings that I think are (unintentionally) misleading. It relied too much on gross dats. Here is what I wrote. Is this “solving for the winning solution?” The article compares Tech. Assoc. Degrees in Texas with baccalaureate degrees to make one point, then compares STEM degrees in Virginia […]
NY Times article on Visas and hi-tech
Here is the link http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/20/technology/tech-industry-pushes-to-amend-immigration-bill.html?ref=business#comments I don’t feel I am knowledgeable enough to know whether Silicon Valley companies want more visas to hire cheaper labor; or, whether they really can’t find enough qualified Americans. I do know, as do readers of this blog, that one can’t determine how many people are qualified for jobs based […]
Economic Policy Institute Report on STEM jobs misses crucial point.
Another article by Jordan Weissmann of The Atlantic appeared. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/04/the-myth-of-americas-tech-talent-shortage/275319/ It talks about a widely disseminated report from the EPI. Unfortunately, that report seems to equate DEGREE with EDUCATION. Here is a copy of what I posted in response. “I don’t doubt that corporations focus on profits and that H1B visas can be a tool for them. […]
Excellent Explanation of How to Teach Math in The Atlantic – But…
…as I commented on the site, where do we get the teachers? (The article, which I recommend is at http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2013/11/the-stereotypes-about-math-that-hold-americans-back/281303/#disqus_thread) “I am a former math professor. I totally agree with the author about how math can best be learned. There is a gigantic hurdle: where do we get the people (teachers) who themselves were taught […]