Andrew Simmons in The Atlantic on “The Danger of Telling Poor Kids That College Is the Key to Social Mobility”

Here is the link: This is my comment, which explains my view on the essay.  (For some reason The Atlantic rejected this comment for a couple of days, before posting it.)  I think the article itself is good and worth reading. “The thought behind this essay is so well-meaning that I am loathe to […]

Jordan Weissman at The Atlantic Reports on a New Federal Reserve Report on Underemployment

You can read his article here  You will find a link to the Fed’s paper. Unfortunately, when the Fed looks at the data they leave out recent grads who are still in school, even part-time.  I posted two comments that give my view on this and other aspects of the article.  Here they are. […]

Atlantic Monthly Article on Faculty Concerns About High Graduation Rates

Here is the link, followed by my comment. (The article is good – and shocking – especially the part about some state schools getting rid of history courses.  State schools?  Is this becoming a vicious circle?  Uneducated politicians (probably with degrees, though) deciding not to educate?  Whatever happened to Jefferson and his silly ideas […]

More on The Atlantic’s Article on Teaching Math

(The article is here ) There were some interesting replies to my comment on the article.  I am posting my response to this one because it might be informative for some readers of this blog.  It states my view, and probably the view of many others, of two of the problems facing professors now.  The […]

Excellent Explanation of How to Teach Math in The Atlantic – But…

…as I commented on the site, where do we get the teachers?  (The article, which I recommend is at “I am a former math professor. I totally agree with the author about how math can best be learned.  There is a gigantic hurdle: where do we get the people (teachers) who themselves were taught […]

Another Good Article by Miles Kimball & Noah Smith on Learning Math

The authors wrote a previous article for The Atlantic that explains the need for math in economics.   Here is a link to a post on that article  Need for Math to Study Econ – Excellent Description – But… They have now written their suggestions on changing how math is taught.  The article makes a good point […]