Do the Richest (Universities) Have Enough? And A Contest for Grads:)

Rich colleges and universities are getting a lot richer, study finds – The Washington Post. You can explore further by clicking on “endowments” in the Tag Cloud (on the right).  I especially recommend this post for some financial facts that surprise many; or, if you are familiar with financial statements, look at schools like Stanford.  […]

When Is It Ok For a Non-Profit To Misrpresent Its Fees to the Public?

The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much – “This is just another peak behind the door that hides the real goals and social order of America’s system of “higher” education. But its not only public schools that play fast and loose with their descriptions. Private colleges do, also – most even more so. […]

Are You Getting A Grant, or Merit- and Need-Based Financial Aid, (As Your College May Call It) – Or, Is Everyone In Your Statistical Bracket Getting The Same Coupon For A Discount? Read This

How Private Colleges Are Like Cheap Sushi : NPR Ed : NPR.

America: A flagging model | The Economist

America: A flagging model | The Economist. This is a continuation of the “Must Read” in The Economist. I commented. This article makes the critical observation that “…returns [to individual students] have held up not because graduates have done so well but because those with only high-school degrees have done so badly…” That is an […]

A Must Read From The Economist (This Week’s Cover Story)

Universities: The world is going to university | The Economist. This link is to the introduction. Here is the link to the complete report. I commented on the introduction. “”…price becomes a proxy for quality. By charging more, good universities gain both revenue and prestige…” I am a former professor. I taught math at one […]

Why So Few Online Courses? Quotes From “The Economist” 3/28/2015 Edition on Universities

“…Since the value of a degree from a selective institution depends on its scarcity, good universities have little incentive to produce more graduates..” (From <>) which may be why, even though “…Technology offers the promise of making education both cheaper and more effective, but universities resist adopting it…”  (From <>)

How Do You Distinguish Empire Building From Education/Research Building?

When a field of study becomes important in the mind of the public, should a university respond? It probably will put resources behind that field; but many times that is only because it isn’t listening to Robert Maynard Hutchins comments on that. “…an institution…should have an educational policy and then try to finance it, instead […]

College Admissons, Didn’t Get In? Maybe Celebrate!

How to Survive the College Admissions Madness – Here is my take. I taught math at one of those “elite” schools. (Wash. Univ. in St Louis) and my advice (in many cases) is not to “relax” if you didn’t get into some of them, but CELEBRATE. Celebrate because many schools are “elite” only in […]

“Task Force Wants Simplified Oversight of U.S. Colleges” Of Course, It Does.

Task Force Wants Simplified Oversight of U.S. Colleges, Universities – WSJ. I think if you read my comment about the composition of the task force, you won’t need to read the article. “…The group, made up of 16 college presidents and higher education experts…” Fourteen of these “…higher education experts…” [For my readers I have […]