The Headline is Correct; But For the Wrong Reason

Why getting a four-year bachelor’s degree brings large benefits to those seen as marginal.

Source: College for the Masses –

Here is my comment.

“Back then, a high school education was the new ticket to the middle class. Today, a college education is.”

This is patently not true. Study after study contradict this – and not a single one, including the ones cited here show it to be true.

Here is what is true. (References are at the bottom of this comment.)

“Back then, a high school [degree was the same as a high school education, and, thus] was the new ticket to the middle class. Today, a college [degree is usually just a high school education, and, thus,] is the key.”

As a former math professor, I have seen the whole process of college dumbing down high school at a rate so much higher than college was being dumbed down.

According to The Economist’s recent issue on Universities,

“..returns [to individual students] have held up not because graduates have done so well but because those with only high-school degrees have done so badly..”

They also observed, as have I, that,

“..If graduates earn more than non-graduates because their studies have made them more productive, then university education will boost economic growth and society should want more of it. Yet poor student scores suggest otherwise..” (from LEADERS, page 13.)

References to findings are on my blog inside-higher-ed . To see how the process of dumbing down high school works, click on that category.

Remember that high school teachers get a college “degree”. In 1960 critical learning after college increased 1 sigma; now it’s .07 sigma.