Here is the link
I made a comment that refers to a paper by Clark Kerr that I just read and will post a link to in my Reisman, Kerr, etc… page. Here is the comment.
“Though some academics are giving these subtle ethical problems some serious thought, the general public, when reading articles like these, would be well served to listen to Clark Kerr (One-time President of UC Berkeley, Chancellor of the UC System, and an insightful observer of universites). He wrote in the Jan. 1994 issue of “Change” that he “.. [had] been startled at how reluctant academics seem to be to treat ethical issues…[inside the academy]..” He also describes what he calls a “new academic paradigm” brought on by a new “me generation” of academics who “.. have more attachments to economic opportunities off campus or to off-campus political concerns than on campus…” (From “Knowledge Ethics and the New Academic Culture” by Clark Kerr)
And here is Robert Maynard Hutchins, President of the U. of Chicago several decades ago, and founder of the Chicago system of educaiton:
“…when an institution determines to do something in order to get money it must lose its soul…I do not mean…that universities do not need money and that they should not try to get it. I mean only that they should have an educational policy and then try to finance it, instead of letting financial accidents determine their educational policy.” I would only add “and their ethics”. If universities listen to these words and follow them, they will determine what to do – ethically.
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