Very Funny Opinion Piece in Wash. Post

Opinion | A modest proposal to save higher education – The Washington Post

Here is my comment (that a professor didn’t like.)

Great Idea!

They’re already off to a running start. They got rid of “students” (a quaint word that is so pre-1980’s) a long time ago and replaced them with “customers”.

Oh, and “professors”? They are working on that, too, by replacing them with the people that major universities grant PhD’s to, knowing that they are so unqualified that they can only come back and work as poorly paid adjuncts. (By the way, some even take money in the form of government grants to “produce” those PhD’s.) That way, what we are fooled into thinking that what are really “researchers” making money for the university are “professors” – in the sense of teaching.

You are welcome to read how this works in detail at my blog inside-higher-ed. It is very damaging.