Admissions officers tell their own children that high school is far more than just a pathway to college — it’s a time for maturation, self-discovery, learning and fun.
Source: Advice College Admissions Officers Give Their Own Kids
Here’s why.
As a former college professor, I know better than to read this – and I strongly suggest that no one read for “advice”.
I know nothing of any of the people interviewed here, but most admissions officers are in the marketing business.
This is nothing new. Already in 1980 the great sociologist (and university professor), David Riesman saw the result of colleges marketing to “customers”.
He wrote in his seminal book, “On Higher Education: The Academic Enterprise in an Era of Rising Student Consumerism”,
“…the ‘wants’ of students to which competing institutions, departments, and individual faculty members cater are quite different from the ‘needs’ of students…”
More quotes (with references) from many observers can be found on my blog inside-higher-ed . I suggest that anyone concerned about higher education read those quotes and my stories about where this all has led. Don’t forget: knowledge is power.
Good luck.
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